Top 10 Beautiful Movies
(random order)
*movies with beautiful visuals
-Castle in the Sky
Hayao Miyazaki is full of great and beautiful visuals. The amount of creativity that goes into the design of these fantastic fantasy worlds Miyazaki makes are truly astonishing. He is the master of animation, and this is one of his greatest visual masterpieces.
-When Marnie Was There
Another beautiful Ghibli film, even without Miyazaki, they made another visually stunning film. Full of colorfull imagery which really warms your heart.
-Howl's Moving Castle
In my opinion this is the most beautiful and imaginative Miyazaki film.
Wes Anderson's stop-motion masterpiece, with beautiful autumn colours.
-The Grand Budapest Hotel
The most beautiful Wes Anderson film, and also one of his greatest films.
The most beautiful Wes Anderson film, and also one of his greatest films.
-2001: A Space Odyssey
Stanley Kubrick was and still is one of the greatest directors of all time. The effects and visuals in 2001 are some of the greatest in cinematic history. A must watch for any movie lover.
Hero is a fantastic movie which utilizes colour in a very beautiful and clever way. By using colour to tell a story from different perspectives, and does it in the most beautiful way possible.
-The Tree of Life
A stylistic and beautiful film, which shows us the beauty of life and the hardship of growing up.
-The Thin Red Line
The subject matter is brutal and horrifying. Nevertheless, it is one of the most beautiful and moving movies I have ever watched.