Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (no spoilers)

Last night I watched "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" and it was really good. The movie was exiting all the way throughout the 161 min run time. It was way better than "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", though I did enjoy the first one aswell. This movie is really action-packed and keeps you at the edge of your seat. The 3D looks great in this movie and there are a lot of great images. Though the "Lord of The Rings" trilogy is way better, so don't go into the cinema with too high expectations.

There are many cool characters. All the dwarfs are back aswell, and THERE'S NO SINGING!! :) I wasn't that fond of the dwarfs in the first movie, but now they're starting to grow on me. Now I'm finding myself really caring about each and every one of them. The movie also introduced a new character to the Tolkien-universe. This character isn't written by Tolkien, but by the movie writers. The characters name is Tauriel, and she's a Wood Elf (Legolas is also a Wood Elf). She's played by the actress Evangeline Lilly, which is most known for playing Kate in the hit series "Lost" (2004-2010). I thought Tauriel was a great/awesome character. She's one of my favorite charcters in the movie, so Peter Jackson made a great decision when he added her. She kicks ass all they way throughout the movie, and she has about the same fighting style as Legolas. It was really cool seeing another "Lord of the Rings" character, and I was glad to see Legolas again. Gandalf is cool as allways, and is my favorite Middle Eart character. Gandalf has great the greatest quotes and is a very likeable character. Martin Freman plays Bilbo perfectly yet again. He's the funniest character in the movie and you've got to love him. We also get introduced to Smaug (the dragon which lives in Erebor) played by Benedict Cumberbatch. His voice and performance really makes Smaug the greatest movie dragon since Falkor the luckdragon.

I really liked this movie and I recommend it to Tolkien fans and fellow fantasy lovers. It isn't perfect, but it's a great effort. The soundtrack is pretty good but quite forgettable compared to the other movies. Every moviegoer should give this "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" a try, and I give it 8,8/10

I just saw the movie again (07.01.2015) It did not hold up. And I didn't want to rewrite the review. So after watching the movie again I think the rating should rather be 7/10

Friday, December 6, 2013

Star Wars: Episode I- The Phantom of Menace

The prequel of the greatest movie trilogy ever made. One of the greatest disappointments in movie-history. Directed by the greediest man in our galaxy, George Lucas. The man that totally dropped all the cool actors, great story telling and awesome action, but added long boring political discusions. A movie that makes the greatest movie villan ever, look like a pissie little, annoying prick. An assamble of shitty actors with some exception. This is "Star Wars: Episode I- The Phantom Menace.

The main actors and actresses in the movie are: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Ray Park and Jake Lloyd. Liam Neeson plays the most boring jedi in the universe, Qui-Gon Jinn. He does not bring a lot to the role and is quite forgetful. Ewan McGregor is ok, but he is also a very forgetful character. The only thing that makes us pay attention to his character is because he's Obi-Wan Kenobi. Natalie Portman plays Padmé. I feel like Lucas though that he had written a strong and interesting character when he created Padmé, which he did not. He made another annoying and whiny character, which I don't give a shit about. I usually like Natalie Portman, she was awesome in "V for Vendetta" and "Black Swan" of course. She totally deserved an oscar for "Black Swan". Ray Park played Darth Maul. I felt that Darth Maul was a cool and interesting character which I would liked to have learned more about. I would have rather enjoyed if they had given him the same type of role as Darth Vader had in the original trilogy. Instead of getting killed off which really pissed me off. Jake Lloyd is one of the reasons that this movie didn't work. HE F*CKING TAKES DOWN A HUGE SPACE SHIP ON HIS OWN, and that's just dumb. I know that the force is supposed to be strong with him, but cheesus christ.... 

You get to see most of your favorite characters like Kermit the Frog-

And all your favorite rasist steriotypes like greedy jew(Omg! How did he get away with this!!)

He also gave us the most beloved character in the history of cinema, Jar Jar Binks.

This movie gave the moviegoers nothing, but disapointment. The movie had bad acting, a bad script and boring/annoying characters. Though the movie had one awesome lightsaber battle.

I give it 5/10, it's almost so bad that it's good

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The biggest, the greatest, the most visually stunning and the most popular piece of shit ever made. Directed by one of the greatest directors, a director that has given us great cgi animation in all of his movies. His name is James Cameron. He has directed great movies like "Aliens", "Titanic" and "Terminator 2". I used to love this guy, but after the abomination called "Avatar" he is now my worst enemy. And now that a Avatar quadrilogy is about to be made, I'm losing faith in mankind. How can people enjoy, a movie with the exact same plot as "Ferngully: The Last Rainforest", "Dances With Wolves", "Pocahontas" and many more.. This is a movie for people that like to be entertained, and that don't care about good story telling (a dumb person that likes explosions and shiny stuff). 

The plot is as simple as a five year old kids drawing. Humans are super "evil" and only care about money. There's a group of native people, in this instance are the natives some blue cats from some planet. The natives are strong and proud, but they need the "white man" to save the day (Rasist, and pathetic).The "white man" from the corporation that wants to fudge over the natives. This "white man" has no training, but is given an expensive limited avatar, because he has the same genetics as his twin brother. His twin brother was supposed to to go on this mission, but his dead or something (omg this is dumb). The "white man" then chooses to help the natives fight against the humans. The rest of the movie is explosions and expensive cgi.

The movie stars an assemble of bad and annoying actors. The actors brings nothing to this movie, non of the characters have anything interesting characteristics. The man character that I referred as "the white man" is played by the untalented actor Sam Worthington (The poor mans action hero). One of the main characters is played by the annoying, "tough", actress known as Michelle Rodriguez. Her character in this movie is the same as all of her other characters from all the projects she has been on tough annoying and lesbian? The last character im going to write about is the character played by Sigourney Weaver. She's the only think in this movie that I enjoy, she's badass as usual. She's been in "Aliens" so it's kindy cool that Cameron brought her along to this travesty. 

I usually don't like when movies use cgi animation, especially when it's not needed. Practical effects are way cooler and usually looks more real. That doesn't mean that I'm totally against cgi, "Avatar" would not be possible without cgi and the movie does look good. I give the movie 

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Halloween is an American thriller and horror movie from 1978 , directed by John Carpenter . John Carpenter has directed The Thing (1982 ) and Escape from LA. These are both big famous films , and The Thing is one of my favorites. And both of these films also have the Golden Globe nominated actor Kurt Russell in the lead role .

The film starts with a boy killing his older sister . This boy named is Michael Myers, and he's the killer in this slasher film. The rest of this movie is Michael Myers trying to kill the main character Laurie Strode (played by Golden Globe winner Jamie Lee Curtis ) . The reason why Michael Myers wants to kill Laurie is because she is his little sister . This is not a particularly good reason , but that's the only reason we get. The costume of Michael Myers is a very simple one , but the mask makes sure we always wonder what's underneath . Plus all descriptions that the psychologist says about Michaels face under the mask , makes him even scarier . Michaels psychologist  is the film's hero, and is played by the wonderful actor Donald Pleasence . You might know him better as the original Blofeld in the James Bond movies. He is the one who makes this movie so good, his performance is one of the best I 've ever seen. It is intense and gives the film the creepy feeling it is known for .

I love this movie and I think everyone should see it. It has one of the best soundtracks , which keeps the creepiness throughout the film. the movie is exciting all the way, and is not just a good horror film, but also a very good thriller .

I give it 9/10

Monday, October 28, 2013


Halloween er en amerikansk thriller og grøsser fra 1978, regissert av John Carpenter. John Carpenter har regissert The Thing(1982) og Escape from L.A. Disse er begge store kjente filmer, og The Thing er en av mine favoritter. Og begge disse filmene har også den Golden Globe nominerte skuespilleren Kurt Russel i hovedrollen. 

Filmen starter med at man ser en gutt drepe søstera si. Denne gutten heter Michael Myers og er morderen i denne slasher filmen. Resten av denne filmen handler om at Michael Myers  skal prøve å drepe hovedpersonen Laurie Strode (spilt av Golden Globes vinneren Jamie Lee Curtis). Grunnen til at Michael Myers har lyst til å drepe Laurie er fordi hun er lillesøsteren hans. Dette er ikke en særlig god grunn, men det er den eneste grunnen vi får. Kostymet til Michael Myers er et veldig simpel et, men masken gjør at vi alltid lurer på hva som er under. Pluss alle beskrivelsene psykologen hans gir av ansiktet under masken, gjør han enda skumlere.  Psykologen til Michael Myers er denne filmens helt, og er spilt av den fantastiske skuespilleren Donald Pleasence. Du kjenner han kanskje bedre som den orginale Blofeld i James Bond filmene. Han er den som gjør denne filmen så bra, hans opptreden er en av de beste jeg noen gang har sett. Den er intens og gir filmen den skumle følelsen den er kjent for. 

Jeg elsker denne filmen og jeg synes at alle burde se den. Den har en av de beste soundtrackene,  som holder spenningen i gjennom hele filmen. Den er spennende hele veien, og er ikke bare en bra skrekk film, men også en veldig bra thriller.

Jeg gir den 9/10

Sunday, October 20, 2013

World War Z

"World War Z" Er en amerikansk action grøsser, regissert av Marc Foster. Marc Foster har regissert Drageløperen/The Kite Runner(2007), Finding Neverland(2004) og Quantum of Solace(2008). Drageløperen og Finding Neverland er begge kjempe bra drama filmer, som ble nominert til Oscar. Denne filmen har også den 4 ganger Oscar nominerte skuespilleren Brad Pit, så forventningene til denne filmen var store. For fans av boka som filmen er basert på (også kalt World War Z) var denne filmen veldig skuffende, fordi den ikke fulgte boka i det hele tatt. Dette var ikke noe problem for meg, fordi jeg aldri har lest boka, så jeg syntes filmen var spennende og underholdende. 

Handlingen er ikke noe stort, litt den typiske zombie dommedags filmen. Filmen starter med at hovedpersonen Gerry Lane (spilt av Brad Pit) skal kjøre familien til skole og jobb. På veien bort ditt får man møte på zombiene for første gang. Etterhvert får man vite at Gerry en gang var i militæret og at de trenger han for å finne en kur mot zombier. Resten av filmen er bare Gerry som reiser til forskjellige land og introduserer karakterer som bare er med noen minutter hver.

Det som virkelig trekker ned denne filmen er at man får bare bli kjent med en karakter, og det er Gerry. Det er ganske mange karakterer som er med, men de får man ikke vite noe om. I helheten er dette en ganske spennende film, men den har mange problemer så jeg gir den 6/10

The Conjuring

"The Conjuring" er en amerikansk skrekkfilm, regissert av James Wan. James Wan har kommet ut med mange kjente skrekk filmer i de siste årene som Saw(2004), Dead Silence(2007) og Insidious(2010). Så mange forventet enda en skummel grøsser fra denne mannen, og det fikk de. Denne skrekkfilmen var en av de skumleste skrekkfilmene jeg noen gang har sett. Filmen er basert på en sann historie, men er sikkert ikke helt nøyaktig. Jeg tror ikke på spøkelser, så for meg gjør det ikke filmen noe skumlere. 
Handlingen i filmen er ikke noe stort, det er den typiske hjemsøkt hus handlingen som vi har sett hundre ganger før. Filmen starter med en familie som er lei av storbylivet og bestemmer seg for på flytte på landet, de flytter selvsagt inn i et gammelt og skummelt hus. De har det koselig og fint der helt til de finner ut at huset er hjemsøkt, og da bestemmer seg for å kontakte spøkelses jegerne Lorraine Warren (spilt av Vera Farmiga) og gubben hennes Ed Warren (spilt av Patrick Wilson). Dette paret bestemmer seg for å hjelpe den hjemsøkte familien, og resten av filmen er bare spøkelser som skremmer oss gang på gang. 

Dette er en ganske bra film, jeg kjedet meg aldri, og den klarte å skremme meg et par ganger. Så jeg gir den 7/10