My Top 10 Favorite Movie soundtracks!
This will be my first of many movie lists, which i will post on this page.
The Indiana Jones Trilogy

These movies has one of the most action packed and adventures soundtracks ever. Of course when most people thing about the Indiana Jones movies you thing about the maine theme. The maine theme is great and is played many times in the movies, but there are alot of other themes which people don't really notice. So next time you watch the Indiana Jones movies try to really listen. When you do listen you're going to realize why the movies are so great. The music is done beautifully by John Williams.
Lethal Weapon

Lethal Weapon's soundtrack is cool and smooth throughout the movie. The music is so "80's" kind of music and it fits so well. Most of the themes are played with a saxophone and electric guitar. Eric Clapton plays the electric guitar and it sounds freaking awesome!
The Godfather
The soundtrack in "The Godfather" is both beautiful, intense and suspenceful. The themes which are played with a trompet are beautiful, but sometimes in the movie they choose not to have any music (for example in the restaurant scene, which ads intensity to an allready intense scene) which I think is great.
North By Northwest

This is a soundtrack which is fun and ads a lot of tension to the movie. Some people think that the music in this movi
e is allmost comical (in a bad way). The music is a little comical but I love that, because the movie is a little silly sometimes. The one-liners are what makes the movie a little silly, but I love the one-liners.
6. Forrest Gump
The "Forrest Gump" soundtrack has a lot of songs from different decades and historical events. This movie has alot of great songs like "Hound dog", "Fortunate Son", "I Can't Help Myself" and many more.. My favorite song in the hole movie and which I think fits the most is "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. This song is used when Forrest goes to Vietnam and it fits briliantly.

The Shining
"The Shining" would not have been such a scary movie without it's fantastic soundtrack. The soundtrack in this movie is one of the top reasons for it beeing one of the best movies ever made. The soundtrack really helps it become such a psychological thriller. Stanley Kubrick was a genius in every way....
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo(The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

I almost don't now how I'm going to describe this soundtrack, it just fits so perfectly. This is yet another soundtrack which brings so many feelings, but yet again have I chosen a soundtrack which gives more suspence then anything else. The duells in this movie had not been as famous without the great soundtrack. By the way the main theme is f*cking brilliant.
A Clock Work Orange

This movie is brilliant and is one of my favorite movies of all time. There are alot of things that are great in this movie, for example the cinemotagraphy, the acting, the story, etc... But the music is what
really pulls this movie together, and makes it one of the greatest movies of all time.
The Original Star Wars Trilogy

Everybody knows at least one or two of the themes used in these movies. I chose to include all of the movies because i could not just choose one. These are the most epic soundtracks ever to be played, and almost all of the main-characters has a theme. Darth Vader the greatest villian ever would not be such a scary badass without his theme, which makes him seem more evil and powerful. This is the second movie-series that John Williams has created the soundtrack for that I've put on this list. He is clearly one of the greatest in the business.
The Lord of The Rings Trilogy

This is another epic movie-series that I love. The Lord of The Rings movies are beautiful to look at and has the greatest fantasy world (Middel Earth). In my opinon what makes the movies so great is the great dialog, the fantastic fantasy world and the incredible soundtrack. What makes Mid
del Earth so great is the themes to each place like Gondor, Mordor, Hobbiton and my personal favorite Rohan. The soundtrack really makes this grand adventure even grander.
Honorable mentions:
-The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Jurasic Park
-Ghost Busters
Sources: Pictures
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