My Top 6 Favorite Fantasy Movies
6. The Wizard of Oz
This is a timeless classic with beautiful imagery, and even more beautiful songs. If you are a fantasy fan, this is the movie for you. If you have not watched it yet, then you are truly missing out. Go give it a watch!
5. The Nightmare Before Christmas

A movie with catchy songs, beautiful stop-motion and fun characters. This is a great Christmas movie as well as a fantastic Halloween movie. It is great in every possible way, this is truly one of the greatest fantasy movies EVER.
4. Howl's Moving Castle
One of my favorite Hayao Miyazaki movies. The animation is beautiful, the characters are fantastic and the voice acting is very well-done. What really makes me love this movie is because of all the creativity, I can really not compare it to any other movie.
3. Mr. Nobody
IMDB classified "Mr. Nobody" as a fantasy, I'm not completly sure of what it is. But what I do know is that it's a fantastic movie. This is one of the most underrated movies of all time. I truly adore this movie and I think everybody should watch it. Mr. Nobody is now available on Netflix, so you better watch it while you have the chance. This is one of my favorite movies of all time, but the next two movies on this list are even better.
2. Spirited Away
This is the BEST Miyazaki movie, that is just a fact. I do not know what to actually write about this movie, it is just amazing. You just have to see it to belive it. "Spirited Away" is one of my personal favorite movies and it is my favorite animation movie.
1. The Lord of The Rings-Trilogy
The Lord of The Rings: Return of The King is my alltime favorite movie. This is THE greatest movie trilogy, and it's just amazing. The charaters are amazing, the story is fantastic and the casting was spot-on. The first movie was a great and beautiful start, the second part was gritty and action packed, and the final movie was an emotional and epic ending to a great franchise.
The fantasy genre has many fantastic movies, here are some that bearly didn't make my list:
Castle In The Sky, The NeverEnding Story, Princess Mononoke, Army of Darkness