My Top 10 Favorite Movies From 2000-2009
10. Up
Up is a fantastic and lovely movie, it has one of the best opening scenes of all time. Up is also one of my alltime favorite animation movies.
9. Batman Begins
It seemes like most of the Dark Knight-trilogy fans enjoy "The Dark Knight" the most, but i don't. I like "The Dark Knight", but i think it is a little overrated. I really love Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins, and I think it's a great character study. You really get to see all the different layers of the character, and the transformation he goes throught, which eventually turns him into Batman.
8. The Three Extremes

One of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen. The movie consist of three short films, and all of them are horrifying in totally different ways. If you want to watch a scary movie with some great stories and scares, then watch "The Three Extremes".
7. Cast Away on the Moon

A funny, tragic and sincere movie. This is a very easy and fun watch, and it is one of my favorite "feel-good" movies.
6. The Darjeeling Limited

This is my favorite Wes Anderson movie, because it is mainly about the relationship between the main characters. The movie is about three brother traveling through India. The brothers are played by Jason Schwartzman, Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody. They all have great chemistry together, and the characters that they play are really great. This is clearly the funniest movie on this list, and one of my favorite comedies EVER!
5. Hunger

One of the most emotional movies I have ever seen, the lack of music and dialog only adds more drama to the tragic story. I don't have any words to describe the beauty in this movie, just give it a watch.
4. Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance

My favorite of the vengeance trilogy. It's hard to write anything about this movie without spoiling it. The movie is full of suprises and twists, a trully thrilling and interesting watch. The movie is really great of showing many different outcomes of revenge. I think even better than the other two of the movies in the trilogy.
3. Mr. Nobody

Wow! How do I describe this movie??! Wierd I guess? It is a really poetic and interesting movie about an old man who tries to remember his life, and all of the choices he made. What's really great about this movie is that it really makes you think.
2. Spirited Away
My favorite animated movie!
1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Return of the King is the best of the trilogy if you ask me. It has the best aspects of the two first movies packed into one masterpiece. What's really great about LOTR movies, is the characters. You really feel for all the characters, and all of them are effected from all of the events in the movies. They are all very differnt people at the end of the journey, especially the Hobbits. At the start of the journey they are all a gang of easy going hobbits without any worries. At the end, they all seem a little damaged by all of the traumatic experiences that they have all been trough. The characters development is absolutely brilliant. This is one of many reasons to why a love the LOTR movies so much...
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