Top Horror Movies to Watch on Halloween Part 2
House of Wax (1953)
A fun, cheesy horror movie with a stellar Vincent Price performance. This is Vincent Price at his best, and he manages to keep us entertained throughout the entire movie. Great sets + Vincent Price= one of the most entertaining horror movies of all time.
A Tale of Two Sisters
A Korean horror masterpiece. You do not get to see any new horror movie from Hollywood which is as good or scary as this. A great movie which does not need cheap scares, it instead uses great atmospherical music and scenery. It is truly one of the most beautiful looking horror movies that I have ever seen. It is directed by one of my favorite korean directors, Jee Woon Kim. He is fantastic at making scary movies like "I Saw The Devil", but also knows how to make funny action and crime movies. This is a movie you have to see by yourself in the dark and it will horrify you. Enjoy!

A great horror movie by an even greater director, Park Chan Wook. This is one of the most refreshing takes on the vampire-horror genre. Another beautifully shot movie, with great characters, who have to fight against their inner demons throughout this picture. Nominated for Palme d'Or and winner of the Jury Prize at Cannes in 2009, shows all the critical praise this movie has received. This is a must watch for any fan of vampire-horror movies. The last korean gem I will mention on this list, so it is fitting that it is directed by one of my personal favorite directors. ;)
The Evil Dead
The Original Evil Dead is a fantastic horror movie filmed on a shoestring of a budget. Sam Raimi uses great cinematografy which really makes this an enjoyable and at sometimes beautiful ride into a movie which could have been your tipical teen horror flick. Though much of the effects look a bit outdated you have to respect the movie for all its passion and ambition. Nevertheless, this is still a horrifying movie to watch on your own, it has many effective scares, and a main character who you really roote for. The main character is played by Bruce Campbell who would later become the king of B-movies. Bruce Campbell really gives a 100% in this movies, and would later become this franchises' greatest asset.
The most absurd and hilarious movie EVER! Great horror movie, and even greater comedy. One of the goriest movies I have ever seen. The soundtrack is one of the greatest things about the movie, it's so inappropriate and very funny. It's really great, and I wish Peter Jackson still made horror movies. What aslo makes this a great movie is that it is a very funny and refreshing take on the zombie movies. It has many of the same elementes of a zombie movie, but takes everything to the extreme. You might be gross out by all of the gore and violence, but it is a classic which every film-lover should watch. Halloween is the perfect time to watch this horror movie masterpiece so do not watch Paranormal Activity for the hundred time, watch a classic instead.

A Tale of Two Sisters
A Korean horror masterpiece. You do not get to see any new horror movie from Hollywood which is as good or scary as this. A great movie which does not need cheap scares, it instead uses great atmospherical music and scenery. It is truly one of the most beautiful looking horror movies that I have ever seen. It is directed by one of my favorite korean directors, Jee Woon Kim. He is fantastic at making scary movies like "I Saw The Devil", but also knows how to make funny action and crime movies. This is a movie you have to see by yourself in the dark and it will horrify you. Enjoy!

A great horror movie by an even greater director, Park Chan Wook. This is one of the most refreshing takes on the vampire-horror genre. Another beautifully shot movie, with great characters, who have to fight against their inner demons throughout this picture. Nominated for Palme d'Or and winner of the Jury Prize at Cannes in 2009, shows all the critical praise this movie has received. This is a must watch for any fan of vampire-horror movies. The last korean gem I will mention on this list, so it is fitting that it is directed by one of my personal favorite directors. ;)
The Evil Dead
The Original Evil Dead is a fantastic horror movie filmed on a shoestring of a budget. Sam Raimi uses great cinematografy which really makes this an enjoyable and at sometimes beautiful ride into a movie which could have been your tipical teen horror flick. Though much of the effects look a bit outdated you have to respect the movie for all its passion and ambition. Nevertheless, this is still a horrifying movie to watch on your own, it has many effective scares, and a main character who you really roote for. The main character is played by Bruce Campbell who would later become the king of B-movies. Bruce Campbell really gives a 100% in this movies, and would later become this franchises' greatest asset.
The most absurd and hilarious movie EVER! Great horror movie, and even greater comedy. One of the goriest movies I have ever seen. The soundtrack is one of the greatest things about the movie, it's so inappropriate and very funny. It's really great, and I wish Peter Jackson still made horror movies. What aslo makes this a great movie is that it is a very funny and refreshing take on the zombie movies. It has many of the same elementes of a zombie movie, but takes everything to the extreme. You might be gross out by all of the gore and violence, but it is a classic which every film-lover should watch. Halloween is the perfect time to watch this horror movie masterpiece so do not watch Paranormal Activity for the hundred time, watch a classic instead.

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