Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Star Wars: Episode VII Dream

I'm a huge fan of the original Star Wars trilogy, and like many people I'm looking forward to the new movies. Though I'm ready to see another failed attempt..... So this is my dream cast for the Star Wars movies. After reading this list please write who you would have cast in this movie, in the comments section bellow.

Plot: The son (Christian Bale) of Luke Skywalker is now a grown man and has been trained to be the perfect jedi. Christian Bale starts to feel the same way as his grandfather did when he turned to the dark side. While this is going on The Sith starts to rebuild their forces and a new Sith Lord has risen.

Christian Bale: Main character
I would like to have Christian Bale in the main lead because he's very talented actor of cource, and because I want good actors with experience. I don't want some actor that I've never heard of, even though that's what George Lucas did in the first one with Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil. I don't want them to take any chances with this movie. 

Christian Bale would play a Jedi who balances between good and evil. Sort of like Anakin in the horrible new trilogy, but insted of the whining Hayden Christiansen we would get the awesome Christian Bale. He would be a jedi who would battle against his own mind, but he would usually do the right thing. So to sum it up I would like him to have the same story as Darth Vader, but instead of turning evil he stays good.  

Sir Ian Mckellen
He would have played the new Sith Lord, he would't be doing much else then giving out orders with his great british voice. Ian would be great, as you saw when he played Magneto. He can play both a hero and a villian perfectly.

Daniel Day-Lewis
Would play an insane Sith Master who doesn't hesitate to kill. Most of the time he smiles and seems happy, but suddenly he can go totally nuts. This character would be similar to Daniel Day-Lewis's character in "Gangs of New York" a swetty scary guy with a mustache. When he fights with a lightsaber he hits fast, with no tactics he just hits. He would have great speeches and dialog like he did in "There Will Be Blood". 

Milla Jovovich 
She would play a alien bounty hunter, she would act sort of the same way she did in "The Fifth Element". She's kindy childish, but exstemely deadly. She would be working for the most dangerous bounty hunter in the galaxy (played by Gary Oldman). Gary's character would be a classie old alien. 

These are the actors and actress who I most would like to see in this movie. Some other actors and actresses I would like to see aswell, but I don't have a lot to say/write about.

Scarlett Johanssen 
One of the main characters. A female badass character who finally wasn't a love interest to either of the main characters.

Michael Fassbender 
One of the main characters, kindy like Han Solo in the original movies.

Sean Bean
Jedi Master (who doesn't die)

Cate Blanchett 
Jedi Master 

Morgan Freeman
Jedi Master who often gives advise to the main characters with his awesome voice.

Evangeline Lilly
She would be another bounty hunter working for Gary Oldman.

Will Smith 
Lando's son and a great pilot (Idependence Day) ready to take down any enemy spacestation.

Billy Dee Williams 
Lando !!!

Harrisson Ford 
Hans Solo

Carrie Fisher 

Mark Hamil

Peter Mayhew
Back in costume (No cgi animation bullsh*t

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