Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring
The first scene starts with Galadriel (played by Cate Blanchett) talking about "the Ring" and about its origin. This scene is good, because of Cate Blanchett's beautiful voice, and because you get to see Sauron (The movies villian) for the first time.
2001: A Space Odyssey
Great music while the sun is rising up from behind earth in slow-motion, f*cking brilliant. It's just so beautiful to look at...
Braindead (Dead Alive)

This movie is really really funny and the oppening scene is brilliant. I have no words to describe it... You just have to see it!!
The Shinning
The movie starts off with a long driving scene, and f*cking moody music. The music is sort off a warning which warns you that you are now going to see a great and terrifying movie.
A very cute, nice and sad opening scene to a very cute and lovely picture.
A Clockwork Orange:
Just the guys sitting in their favorite spot, while they look f'cking badass and awesome. These guys are the greatest a-holes in movie history!! Great start to a wonderful movie.
Team America
The destruction of Paris by our heroes... AWESOME!!
Raiders of The Lost Ark
Indiana Jones And Last Crusade
You get to se young Indie and why he hates snake... A very cool and funny opening..
Star Wars
Dark Knight

Apocolypse Now
Lord of The Rings: Return of The King
Origin of Gollum
South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut
Great song!

Forrest Gump

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